Ukrainian Winter Clothes – How to Buy Them at the Shop

Ukrainian winter might be pretty cold and if you are planning to stay or travel to Ukraine in winter be sure you have enough warm cloth to wear. Today’s vocabulary will be helpful to know if you are going to do shopping in Ukraine. So let’s get started! Почнімо!

Зимове пальто (winter coat)/ шуба (winter fur coat)/ куртка (jacket)

zymove palto/ shuba/ kurtka

Buying something at the shop or market we usually use the phrase “дайте мені, будь ласка” (daite meni bud laska), which means “give me, please”.

At the shop

1. Дайте мені, будь ласка, це (this) зимове пальто (noun, neutral, II declension, accusative case).

Give me this winter coat, please.

Have a look at how to conjugate the word “пальто” here.

2. Дайте мені, будь ласка, цю (this) шубу (noun, feminine, I declension, accusative case).

Give me this fur coat, please.

3. Дайте мені, будь ласка, цю (this) куртку (noun, feminine, I declension, accusative case).

Give me this jacket, please.

Шапка (hat) і шарф (scarf)

Shapka / sharf

4. Дайте мені, будь ласка, цю (this) шапку (noun, feminine, I declension, accusative case) і цей шарф (noun, masculine, II declension, accusative case).

Give me this hat and this scarf, please.

Рукавички (gloves) / рукавиці (mittens)


5. Дайте мені ці (these) рукавички (noun, plural, I declension, accusative case) і ці рукавиці (noun, plural, I declension, accusative case), будь ласка.

Give me these gloves and these mittens, please.

Шкарпетки (socks)


6. Дайте мені ці шкарпетки (noun, plural, I declension, accusative case), будь ласка.

Give me these socks, please.

Зимові чоботи (winter boots)

Zymovi choboty

7. Дайте мені ці зимові чоботи (noun, plural, II declension, accusative case), будь ласка.

Give me these winter boots, please.

Термобілизна (thermal underwear)


You may need thermal underwear if the weather is -20 C˚ (sometimes it might be even lower). It is a helpful cloth to stay warm in freezing weather.



8. Дайте мені цю термобілизну (noun, feminine, I declension, accusative case), будь ласка.

Give me this thermal underwear, please.

Now you are ready to do winter shopping in Ukraine. What would you like to buy? Practice the phrase “дайте мені, будь ласка, ___” in the comments below.