Our Students

Our students are conscious individuals of great character and values. Learning Ukrainian language for them is a calling or a way to stay rooted to their heritage, expressing solidarity with Ukraine. Many among them are people with big hearts, actively aiding Ukrainians facing tough times both at home and abroad. They inspire us with their devotion to Ukrainian culture and language. We are proud of our students and ready to support them in their studies, preserving our identity.

Global Community

Our student community spans 56 countries around the world!

*Countries highlighted in blue indicate where our students are from

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Henrik Ellert


The lessons from my tutor Marina have been of considerable help and they have given me insight, substance and understanding of the gramar and its complexities.

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    Marina has patiently explained the very important nuances and I have learned more about personal pronouns, adjectival endings and agreements and verb declensions.
    I have to complement Marina for her always bright and smiling manner and her professional approach to our lessons – always asking if I have understood.
    By increasing my basic knowledge, she has enhanced my understanding of the wonderful Ukrainian language and culture. She helped prepare me for a trip – with my wife - to Ukraine in July – during which I managed to put into practice some language. We both plan to make a much longer trip in 2024.


Carol Beresiwsky


The course is excellent and exceptionally comprehensive. Iryna responds quickly and gives interesting examples. It is extremely challenging for me to assimilate the Case Endings...

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      and then to memorize all of the prepositions --- and vocabulary in general. I like the pdf exercises and Answer Key. I am also doing the exercises in the Master Cases text.I am enjoying the experience and will keep practicing to figure out how you coordinate 3 genders, 7 cases, plus adjective and pronoun agreement with a Greek alphabet ; -)


Paul Crozier


My name is Paul and I have been studying Ukrainian for about 18 months. My reasons for wanting to learn the Ukrainian language are twofold.

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    Firstly I made some Ukrainian friends online before russia launched its unjustified war against Ukraine and was finding that Google translate simply could not help me communicate with them accurately, often leading to some major misunderstandings.

    The second reason I chose Ukrainian; despite my Ukrainian friends previously being primarily russian speakers; is basically an F-you to russia!

    I had been self-studying for about 8 months with DuoLingo, YouTube videos (using Language Reactor for subtitles and translations) and LingQ. I felt things were going well, but was finding it difficult to understand some concepts, such as the case system (I’m sure I am not the only one that gets stuck with this), so I decided to look for a school / tutor.

    After finding Inna’s videos on YouTube and seeing her passion and dedication in wanting to spread the Ukrainian language I decided that SpeakUA was the school to go with and have not looked back.

    My tutor Hanna is equally as passionate as Inna about teaching the Ukrainian language. She understands my strengths and weaknesses, tailors our lessons to my needs and creates lessons that are engaging, fun and interesting to me. As well as teaching me the language I really enjoy that she has also includes things about the culture that you can only learn from a native and will never get from an app.

    I plan to visit Ukraine as soon as it is possible to do so safely and being able to communicate effectively in the language is something I aspire to achieve.

    I have a long way to go, but I am confident that with SpeakUA I will reach my desired goals.


Arturo Nereu


I got curious about learning Ukrainian because I want to be able to communicate with a friend in her native language.I just started, but I can see the progress already.

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     The language is different from the others I speak, but it's so beautiful.I'm happy I discovered the Speak Ukrainian YouTube channel and started learning at the school.
    Oksana, my teacher, is one of the most incredible human beings I know; she's also a fantastic teacher, knowledgeable, patient, and funny.


Wayne Kratch


Прівіт!I was born here in Canada. My mother was the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants, and I studied the language for only one year in high school in Saskatchewan and always wanted to learn more...

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    about the language and culture. My grandmother and mother passed down the art of writing pysanka, which I do every year.When I saw your site online I signed up to learn more of the language. Unfortunately my health situation prevented me from doing much.I hope in the future to resume my studies, when my health is better.


Don Louis Bredle


I am absolutely satisfied, even thrilled, with the Speak Ukrainian course from Inna. There are so few Ukrainian speakers and teachers here in Wisconsin that this course was perfect for me to get started in this beautiful language.

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    Of course, the military aggression against your country was one of the main reasons I decided to learn to speak with you. Now I hope to be able to help, in some way, at some time, as Ukraine starts to rebuild!