Do you sometimes confuse the verbs йти – ходи́ти, ї́хати – ї́здити while talking Ukrainian? Misusing the verbs of motion is one of the most common mistakes for foreigners learning Ukrainian. Today we will cover this topic.

Verbs of motion, unlike other verbs, are divided into uni- and multidirectional subsets. 

Unidirectional verbs indicate one trip in one direction in progress at the time of speech (in the past, present, or future tense).

Я йду в магази́н за́раз. – I’m going to the store now.

Коли́ я йшла в магази́н вчо́ра, я говори́ла по телефо́ну. – When I went to the store yesterday, I was talking on the phone.

Коли́ я йти́му в магази́н за́втра, я тобі́ зателефону́ю. – When I go to the store tomorrow, I will call you.

Multidirectional verbs are used for a single round trip, repeated round trips, repeated visits, a single trip in multiple directions, without indicating a specific direction, or to indicate movement itself.

Вчо́ра я ходи́ла в магази́н. – Yesterday I went to the store.

Я щодня́ ходжу́ в магази́н. – I go to the store every day.

Він лю́бить ї́здити на ску́тері мі́стом. – He likes to ride a scooter around the city.

Вчо́ра ми ці́лий день ходи́ли й ї́здили мі́стом. – Yesterday we walked and drove around the city the whole day.

In this chart, you see the most common verbs, which have two forms – uni- and multidirectional.

The keywords in the sentences with uni- and multidirectional verbs are the adverbs of frequency or other words that show the activity’s timeline. Pay attention to the underlined words.


  • Зараз він іде в кафе.  – He is going to a cafe now.

Він дуже часто ходить у це кафе. – He goes to this cafe very often.

  • Сьогодні я біжу марафон. – I am running a marathon today.

Я кожного року бігаю марафон. – I run a marathon every year.

  • Зараз я їду в Київ. – Now I am going to Kyiv.

Кожних вихідних я їжджу в Київ. – Every weekend I go to Kyiv.

  • Завтра він летить до Нью-Йорку. – Tomorrow he flies to New York.

Раз у рік він літає до Нью-Йорку. – He flies to New York once a year.

  • Собака пливе до берега. – The dog swims to the shore.

Цей собака любить плавати. – This dog likes to swim.

  • Водій везе продукти в магазин. – The driver is carrying groceries to the store.

Він кожен день возить продукти. – He carries groceries every day.

  • Мама веде сина в школу. – The mother takes her son to school.

Батьки кожного дня водять дітей до школи. – Parents take their children to school every day.

  • Чоловік несе квіти дружині. – A man brings flowers to his wife.

Він любить носити їй квіти. – He likes to bring her flowers.

  • Кіт лізе на дерево. – The cat climbs the tree.

Коти люблять лазити по деревах. – Cats love to climb trees.


Hopefully, this post helped you to understand the verbs of motion better. Write down the answers to these questions in the comments below: 

Куди ти сьогодні йдеш? (я йду)

Where are you going today?

Куди ти часто ходиш на вихідних? (я ходжу)

Where do you often go on weekends?

Looking for an easy way to learn more Ukrainian verbs? Check out our flashcards featuring 200 common Ukrainian verbs! They’re a perfect tool to help you master both perfective and imperfective forms