Colors play a significant role in Ukrainian culture, influencing traditions, folk art, national identity, and language. Each color carries a deep symbolic meaning and is often reflected in Ukrainian idioms and expressions. In this article, we will explore the symbolism of colors in Ukrainian culture and introduce some common idioms related to colors.
Symbolism of colors in Ukrainian culture
Red (червоний)
Red is a color of life, passion, and beauty. In traditional Ukrainian embroidery, red represents energy and protection against evil spirits. The red-and-black combination in embroidery symbolizes the duality of life and death.
Blue (синій) and light blue (блакитний)
Blue is linked to peace, faithfulness, and the sky. The light blue color represents calmness and spirituality. These colors are significant in the Ukrainian flag, symbolizing the sky above the golden fields of wheat.
Yellow (жовтий)
Yellow symbolizes warmth, wealth, and prosperity. It is also associated with the sun and harvest, reflecting Ukraine’s strong agricultural traditions.
Green (зелений)
Green represents nature, renewal, and youth. In folk beliefs, it also symbolizes protection and fertility. During spring celebrations, people often wear green wreaths as a sign of renewal and growth.
Black (чорний)
Black often has a dual meaning. It can symbolize sorrow and grief, but in folk art, it also represents fertility and rich soil, which is essential for Ukraine's agricultural heritage.
White (білий)
White is associated with purity, innocence, and peace. It is commonly used in traditional Ukrainian emboidered clothing ("вишиванки") to symbolize a pure soul and protection against evil forces.
Ukrainian color idioms
Ukrainian language is rich in idioms that include colors. These expressions often reflect cultural beliefs and daily experiences.
"Чорним по білому" (Literally: "In black on white") – Means something is clearly written or stated.
"Білий світ" ("White world") – Refers to the world in general or life itself.
"Зелене світло" ("Green light") – Just like in English, it means permission to proceed with something.
"Жовта преса" ("Yellow press") – Similar to English, it refers to sensationalist or tabloid journalism.
"Синім полум’ям горіти" ("Burn with blue flame") – Means something is completely lost or wasted.
"Бачити все в рожевому світлі" ("To see everything in a pink light") – To be overly optimistic or naive.
"Чорна заздрість" ("Black envy") – Strong, intense jealousy.
"Почервоніти як рак" ("To turn red like a crayfish") – To blush from embarrassment or shame.
"Білий як стіна" ("White as a wall") – To be extremely pale, usually from fear or shock.
"Чорна смуга" ("Black streak") – A period of bad luck.
"Зелений ще" ("Still green") – Refers to someone young or inexperienced.
"Синій від холоду" ("Blue from cold") – To be freezing.
"Рожева мрія" ("Pink dream") – An unrealistic or overly optimistic dream.
Colors in Ukrainian culture carry deep meanings, shaping traditions, language, and national identity. Whether used in folk art, the national flag, or idioms, colors reflect the Ukrainian people's beliefs, history, and emotions. By learning these symbols and expressions, language learners can better understand Ukrainian culture and enrich their vocabulary.